Sunday, February 8, 2009

In the End

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...... (fast forwarding)......

Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Okay, so the end is coming! Let's rejoice! We do not know when it is coming, the angels don't know when the end is coming, and Jesus doesn't know when it is coming, only the Father himself. (Matt 24:36).

So what should we do to prepare for this? Well... live life, love the Lord, and be ready to go at any moment. (Matt 24:44).

Living in Iowa this summer with all the flooding, I saw first hand what it meant to "be ready at any moment." Thankfully my family never had to "be ready to leave at any moment" but I had friends and family members of my church have to go through this. They got a warning that they might have to evacuate their homes at any moment because the water in Cedar Rapids was rising way too fast. Within days, sometimes hours, they had to get out of their house. Many people put furniture and valuables on top floors of their homes and gotten around important documents to take with them, and a couple sets of clothes. That was if they were lucky. Once evacuated, it was a waiting game until the water receded and they could get into their house again.

If we somehow got a warning from God saying, "Hey, the end is going to come in approximately 48hours" what would you do? Would you continue on daily life? Would you praise the Lord for everything that has happened or for who He is? Would you repent? Would you go and make last apologizes and make all well between you and those in your life? Would you go to tell others that the end is coming?

If you would do any of these things with only 48 hours to live.... why are you not doing it now? Jesus told us to be ready for the end at all times, so are you ready now? What are you waiting for?! The end is near, and I know once the end comes, I will go to heaven and worship God for all of eternity. I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

  1. That's a wonderful analogy. So often we think we are invincible and that these difficult events we hear about won't affect us personally. "It could never happen to ME!" But the truth is that Jesus is returning and it WILL affect each and every individual. Each person will have to give an account for their life before the God of the universe. I wonder how many people have thought about this before, and are actually ready for that encounter with God? I am so thankful that I can look forward to that day, instead of cowering and pretending it will never happen. It's so important that we get right with God!
