Friday, January 30, 2009


Reading today, all I kept getting reminded of was how much God loves and how he loves everyone. Not just those who love Him back, but really, everyone! How amazing! Reminds me of the lyrics of Mighty to Save by Hillsong United:

Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me.

Everyone need forgiveness
The kindness of a Savior
The hope of the nation.

I am in love with the Lord. I can begin to understand His love He has for me. But others who don't even know him, they don't know how much the Lord loves them. Our God is awesome and He is bigger than anything we can imagine. He can love everyone and still have an intimate, individual relationship with each and everyone of us. How Great!

This gives me a whole new reason to go out sharing and to tell those I love about the Lord. The Lord didn't just save them from eternity in hell, He is there to love them for eternity! For everyone needs to be reminded that "People will fail you, God won't." He loves you and me, and He will for eternity!

Starting a Media Fast

So, I decided at the beginning of the year I was going to do a media fast... never done one before. What it is, is I will try to refrain from "feeding" myself with anything that isn't good for me. We do this for food, why not do it for our souls?

These are my rules:
1. No secular music (so only Christian artists, singing for the Lord).
2. Facebook for only 30 minutes a day to answer wall posts or messages. Before going on, I must have a reason to go on as well.... I cannot go on looking for something to write.
3. No TV.
4. Christian movies (Facing the Giants, Narnia...) with a G or PG rating.
5. Text books, Christian books, and the Bible are the things I may read.
6. I can only text to communicate necessary items.
7. On the Internet, I must only read Christian based articles.

I know this month is going to be hard. But I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to teach me through this. I am doing it to get closer to Him. And I can't wait!